材料 (二人分量)
免治半肥瘦豬肉︰ 200克
油︰ 2湯匙
香茅(切段)︰ 2棵
熱水(視情況而定) ︰ 2湯匙
魚露︰ 1湯匙
糖︰ 2茶匙
葱頭(切碎)︰ 6顆
金不換(切碎)︰ 10克
青檸葉(切碎)︰ 4塊
番茜(切碎)︰ 2棵
辣椒片︰ 1/2茶匙
青檸汁︰ 1湯匙
khao koor(可不用)︰ 1湯匙
生菜(洗淨、抹乾) ︰ 20片
3.炒香後,加入青檸汁及 khao koor。拌勻後,放在生菜葉上上桌。
1. khao koor像芝麻,但更有咬口。
4.烹調時間︰ 20分鐘
200 g︰ fatty pork(minced)
2 tbsp︰ oil
2 stalks︰ lemon grass(finely chopped)
2 tbsp︰ hot water(if needed)
1 tbsp︰ fish sauce
2 tsp︰ sugar
6 pc︰ shallots(finely chopped)
10 g︰ Thai basil(finely chopped)
4 pc︰ lime leaves(finely chopped)
2 stalks︰ parsleys(finely chopped)
1/2 tsp︰ chili flakes
1 tbsp︰ lime juice
2 tbsp︰ khao koor(optional)
20 pc︰ Romaine lettuce leaves(rinsed and pat dry)
1. Heat oil in wok and fry minced pork for about 5 mins. Stir in lemon grass and simmer for about 3 mins in low fire. If it is too dry, add in hot water.
2. Bring fire to high, mix in fish sauce and sugar. Add shallots, basil, lime leaves, parsleys and chili flakes and stir fry.
3. When fragrant, add lime juice and khao koor. Mix well and serve with lettuce leaves.
1. Khao koor is a bit like sesame but of a more nutty texture.
2. It would become watery when it gets cold,so it's recommended to cousume immediately upon serving.

飲食男女 813期 美基 one two three 泰式生菜包
資深傳媒人,曾任 TVB、有線電視高層。愛煮愛吃,廚藝早已聞名於娛樂圈。早前開設 May's Cookies and Cakes。著有《 May's星級宴客》。