Pan Fried Foie Gras with Green Apple in Honey Spice Vinegar Sauce
材料: *四人份量
法國鵝肝 Foie Gras 2片 (60克)
青蘋果 (切粒) 半隻
士多啤梨 (切粒) 3粒
麵粉 2 湯匙
棷欖油 2 湯匙
黑椒碎 少許,鹽 少許
淘大鎮江香醋 2 湯匙,士多啤梨果醬 2 茶匙,蜜糖 1/2茶匙
1. 鵝肝加醃料拌勻再拍上麵粉備用。
2. 用慢火煮熱鎮江香醋後加入果醬煮溶,熄火拌勻蜜糖待用。
3. 燒熱棷欖油稍煎蘋果粒,剷起上碟。
4. 燒熱棷欖油,慢火煎鵝肝至兩面金黃上碟,撒下士多啤梨及淋上香醋汁。
Fried Foie Gras with Green Apple in Honey Spice Vinegar Sauce
Ingredients: * Four servings
Foie Gras 2 slices (60g)
Half of green apple (diced)
Strawberries 3 pcs (diced)
Flour 2 tbsp
Olive oil 2 tbsp
Ground black pepper and salt to season
Vinegar sauce:
Amoy Spice Vinegar 2 tbsp, Strawberry jam 2tsp, Honey 1/2 tsp
1. Mix the Foie Gras in marinade well, coat with flour and set aside.
2. Heat the Amoy Spice Vinegar on low heat and bring to a boil. Add the Strawberry jam and cook until dissolves. Turn off the heat and stir well with honey, set aside.
3. Heat a little olive oil, pan-fry the diced green apple, set on a serving plate.
4. Heat a little olive oil, pan-fry the Foie Gras on low heat until both sides are golden brown and set on the plate. Finish by sprinkling over the diced strawberries and cooked vinegar sauce.
廚師: 淘大廚藝坊:青蘋果香煎鵝肝蜜糖香醋汁(專業篇)