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麥當勞炒蛋/炒嫩蛋 (Scrambled eggs)

Perfect Scrambled Eggs Recipe

How to Make Scrambled Egg

Gordon Ramsey - Perfect Scrambled Eggs Breakfast

3 Eggs
Nob of Butter
Half Table Spoon of Crème fraîche
Little bit of Salt & Pepper
Chopped Chives

Fat cap mushrooms
Salt & Pepper
Vine tomatoes

Sour Dough Bread (thick cut)
Drizzle Olive Oil

西式炒蛋/麥當勞炒蛋/炒嫩蛋 的英文是scrambled egg,去查下一些外國的食譜就應該知怎樣弄。
1. 首先,將蛋打勻並打至起泡及較企身
2. 開小火,加少許牛油至平底鍋中至溶解,然後加入打好的蛋,以木匙慢慢攪拌至熟透就成,不要攪拌得太快,否則會弄散
