Stewed Rack of Lamb in Port Wine Sauce
法式羊扒 3件 350克,炸脆鮮百合,炸脆蒜片,蒜茸,紅叔粒,洋葱絲,砵酒
黑椒碎 1/4 茶匙,迷迭香1/2茶匙,淘大金標生抽 1/3茶匙,油1/2茶匙,生粉1/2茶匙
淘大蜜汁醬爆骨醬 1/2包 40克,清水 2湯匙
1. 先將羊扒跟醃料拌勻,醃十分鐘。
2. 燒紅鑊下1湯匙油,大火煎羊扒至兩面金黃盛起,備用。
3. 用半湯匙熱油炒洋蔥至半熟,加蒜茸,紅椒粒同炒,再將羊扒回鑊,灒下砵酒慢火煮片刻,加調味煮至收汁,上碟後灑上炸脆鮮百合及蒜片。
Stewed Rack of Lamb in Port Wine Sauce
Ingredients: *Four servings
French rack of lamb 3 pcs (350g), crispy fried lily and sliced garlic, crushed garlic, diced red pepper, onion shreds, Port wine
Ground black pepper ¼ tsp, rosemary ½ tsp, Amoy Gold Label Light Soy Sauce 1/3 tsp, oil ½ tsp, corn flour ½ tsp
Amoy Spare Ribs Honey Sauce ½ pack (40g), water 2 tsp
1. Stir well the rack of lamb in marinade, set for 10 mins.
2. Heat 1 tsp of oil, pan fry the lamb on high heat until both sides are gold brown, set aside.
3. Heat ½ tsp of oil and pan fry the onion until half cooked, add crushed garlic and stir well with diced red pepper. Add the rack of lamb, sprinkle with the wine and cook in low heat. Add the seasonings and bring to a boil until the sauce reduces and dish up. Finish by sprinkling the crispy fried lily and sliced garlic.